Sunday, November 11, 2007

Seeing that we're going to Singapore in a couple of weeks, I have been unbelievably efficient with getting (and wrapping) this year's Christmas presents. I've to say that they aren't for me, they're for DH's evergrowing family. It's something I've just never understood....I suppose it's alright to do something for the kids, but do grown adults actually need Christmas presents, like a real NEED? I vaguely remember going on about this in a previous post, so I'll *zip* on this topic until next time when I feel like another rant!

On a more uplifting note, Puppy is becoming cuter and cuter by the day. He is definitely sticking more to me now, with a very clear 'MUMMEEEEE' on virtually everything, from wanting me to give him a biscuit, to 'I want a hug' requests. I wonder if it's all to do with Ratty coming next March......? His bed will be arriving next Friday, so it'll be interesting to see how he takes to it once he finds out that he's being turfed out of his cot.

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